BoddieEstates is the work of Michelle "Chaella" Boddie, Christmas Décor Stager/Stylist, Blogger, Website Designer, Visual Artist/Décor Painter, Crafter and RE Entrepreneur in training.
On BoddieEstates I'm Blogging about Christmas Décor Staging/Styling, RE Staging, Commercial Real Estate, Residential Real Estate, and Luxury Real Estate including Luxury Cabins, Chateaux, Castles, Cottages, Mansions, Palaces and Villas.
This site began as (& is, still) a companion to the 'Buy and Sell Estates' blog ( primarily, to feature larger images and other visual displays of properties featured there. However, as you've noted it has, delightfully, become much more!
I am available for Christmas Décor Staging/Styling, Blog Editing for other Entrepreneurs and for Setting-up, Editing and Enhancing Online Suites/Portfolios of Online Websites+SocialMedia+Video++.
Thank-you for visiting my site(s). Have a wonder-filled day!